How to unf*ck Arch Linux
Wednesday, Jun 28, 2023
Arch Linux is the main system on my desktop computer. I love it but sometimes it screws up. Here are some tricks for unscrewing it up.
Exhaustively solving Scrabble endgames using chess programming techniques
Wednesday, Jun 14, 2023
Scrabble endgames are computationally difficult to solve exhaustively. I used some chess programming techniques to greatly speed them up.
Se7en is a great film
Tuesday, Jul 19, 2022
When I was 11 or so my friends and I snuck into Sesevenen (Se7en). I remember being excited that this was an R-rated movie and that we were going to see some cool violence or whatever. However, my main memory of the movie was that it was a disappointing slog. I think at the time I wanted something like an R-rated version of Independence Day, a movie I enjoyed very much.
2022 is finally the year of Linux on the desktop, and I can prove it
Friday, May 13, 2022
Linux provides the best and most cost-effective desktop experience.
Profiling a Go-language Production Server
Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022
A few months ago, I noticed my app was having CPU spikes. Read on to see how I diagnosed the issue on a running production server.
Scrabble is nowhere close to a solved game
Sunday, Feb 13, 2022
I have found that in the literature about games and AI (artificial intelligence) that Scrabble is invariably referred to as something of a “solved” game, in the same way that Chess, Go, etc are “solved” by AI —in these latter games, there exist AIs that have superhuman performance and can basically beat any person.
Using NATS to build a very functional Websocket server
Wednesday, Jul 22, 2020
How we built the Woogles backend messaging system using NATS and Websockets.
Further progress on liwords
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Our site is looking prettier now. My friend Conrad is doing the design for the site; the above is a very early version of what he’s already designed, and we have a team working to bring it to life. I’m mostly in charge of the backend, but doing a little front end work on the API. We finally got a full game timer working; I based the code mostly on lichess’s.